
Coffee vs Energy Drinks for Studying: Which is Better for Your Study Session?

Let’s face it, nobody wants to spend time studying. There are so many other things you’d rather do, which is why you need to make the most of every minute during that study session. The goal is to set yourself up for success in the exam with as little time spent in the books as possible.

There are so many ways to make the experience a bit less painful and more effective. Good music, some candles or essential oils, and of course, a drink to help you push through.

But is coffee or energy drinks better for studying? This is one of the most common questions we see students ask, and we’re here to address it with a detailed comparison of coffee vs energy drinks for studying.

We’ll compare caffeine content, sugar, calories, and more below to help you figure out which is healthier. We’ll also take taste and cost so you can make the most practical choice. 

The short answer, though, is that coffee (specifically, plain black coffee or coffee with minimal cream added) is far superior from a health-conscious perspective. 

That being said, there is a third option you may not have considered that actually trumps both coffee and energy drinks: our energy pouches here at Grinds. They pack a punch with 80mg of caffeine and zero sugar or calories. 

With a variety of great flavors to choose from these are your new go-to study companion. Try them today and see for yourself how they can help you maximize your time spent studying!

How Caffeine Can Enhance Your Study Session

Technically you don’t need a coffee or energy drink to study - but they sure do help! There are two reasons why: focus and endurance. Both of these benefits can be traced to one primary ingredient, caffeine.

This natural stimulant blocks adenosine, a chemical in your brain that makes you feel tired. As a result, you’ll find yourself sharper and able to sustain focus for longer periods of time. You can see why this is so powerful for students working through a long-winded study session.

Whether you’re preparing for exams or tackling a tough project, caffeine can supercharge your concentration and mental clarity. This helps you absorb information more effectively while enhancing cognitive functions like memory retention and reaction times.

So instead of feeling sluggish and mentally drained halfway through your study session, you’ll have the energy to stay on task and maintain focus until your work is done. 

There’s no question you need caffeine, it’s just a matter of choosing between coffee vs energy drinks for studying. Let’s cover the basics of both options before we compare and contrast the energy drink vs coffee for studying.

The Basics of Coffee

It’s no secret that coffee has been a staple for boosting energy and focus for centuries. In fact, studying for exams in high school or college is where many students first discover the power of coffee!

It’s brewed from roasted coffee beans and contains a moderate amount of caffeine - roughly 95mg per serving, which works out to be an 8-ounce cup in most cases. 

What sets coffee apart from other energy sources, though, is that it does so much more than deliver an energy boost. It has antioxidant properties and potential metabolic benefits, making it a holistic addition to any healthy study habit.

Whether it’s a standard black cup of joe or a more complex espresso-based drink like a latte, there are so many ways to enjoy coffee - everyone can find their own preference and fine-tune it from there. It can be consumed hot or cold depending on the season.

You can make it as healthy as you’d like - minimizing the addition of milk and sugar will keep the calorie intake lower. Or if you want to spoil yourself, enjoy a latte or frappuccino here and there. 

Just be aware that the drinks you get at Starbucks or other coffee shops are not coffee as it was intended. These are packed with sugar and artificial flavorings. They’re also really expensive!

But it’s hard to beat coffee in its purest form from a health and cost perspective. So, how does it stack up to energy drinks? Let’s look at the other half of the coffee vs energy drinks for studying below.

The Basics of Energy Drinks

Energy drinks are an umbrella term for a wide range of drinks, ranging from Monsters to Red Bulls, Rockstars, and countless others. They all share the common goal of providing a fast, powerful energy boost though, as the name suggests.

These drinks combine caffeine with other stimulants like taurine and guarana alongside vitamins and sometimes amino acids. Their caffeine content can range widely, but a standard can (typically 8-16 ounces) contains anywhere from 80 to 300mg of caffeine.

This is appealing to those who feel like the caffeine content of coffee can be a bit lacking. But, there’s a sinister side of energy drinks you have to be aware of before you crack that can open: the sugar content. 

Not only does sugar have its own health concerns from a heart health and weight management perspective, but it can lead to energy crashes as your body burns through the sugar rapidly. This can cause you to burn out before you’re done studying and be left with even less energy.

While sugar-free versions of these energy drinks are available, these can have their own issues - from synthetic additives and sweeteners to the simple fact that they have way too much caffeine in them. It’s not uncommon to feel jittery after drinking one of these, making it hard to focus.

But, they do have their benefits over coffee - one being convenience and portability. They come in ready-to-drink cans so you don’t need to brew anything. You can keep a few in the fridge for whenever that next study session pops up.

That being said, we want to compare and contrast coffee vs energy drinks for studying below to give you a better idea of where each has an edge. Then, we’ll show you how Grinds stacks up.

Coffee vs Energy Drinks for Studying: Which is Better?

There’s a reason both coffee and energy drinks are so popular. Each has its place, and your own priorities will influence which is right for you - be it a more affordable, health-conscious choice (coffee) or a convenient, potent option (energy drink). 

Let’s start with an overview of the caffeine content in each option since that’s probably what you’re most interested in. 

The Caffeine Conversation

You’ll notice a dramatic difference in the caffeine content between coffee vs energy drinks for studying. Coffee varies greatly in potency based on things like how the beans are grown and processed and the serving size of your coffee. In general, 80 to 100mg is a fair estimate.

In contrast, energy drinks can range from 80 to 300mg depending on the brand and the size of the can. They hit fast and hard compared to coffee, which is a more mellow, steady release of energy.

The actual caffeine content is only one thing to consider, though. Energy drinks also contain taurine and guarana, two other stimulants that can provide a more intense lift. 

This means if you really need an energy lift or have a tolerance to caffeine, energy drinks are a better option - at least, so it seems. 

The high caffeine content of energy drinks can actually cause more harm than good in some cases, leading to jitters and crashes that leave you worse off.

Calories, Sugar, and Other Concerns

Beyond the caffeine, you should consider the other ingredients in caffeine that might be causing more harm than good - like sugar. 

We mentioned already that coffee is the clear winner from a health perspective, especially when consumed black. It has virtually no calories, sugar, or additives. You’re just getting pure caffeine and some beneficial antioxidants without any of the extra baggage.

But most people don’t consume their coffee black, as it can be bitter. The more cream, sugar, or flavored syrups you add to sweeten the drink, the more calories and sugars you’re adding to the concoction. 

On the other hand, energy drinks are loaded with sugar - sometimes more than 30 grams per serving! That much sugar can lead to a quick energy crash once the effects wear off. Not to mention sugar can have concerning implications for your health as a whole.

Even sugar-free energy drinks still contain artificial sweeteners and other synthetic additives that might not sit well with everyone. Ultimately, coffee has the edge here. 

Cost Comparison

Most students have to think carefully about what they spend their money on, which is why a cost comparison between coffee vs energy drinks for studying is so important. Again, coffee has an advantage over energy drinks from an affordability standpoint.

At least, that’s assuming you’re buying your own beans in bulk and brewing your own batches. You can make many cups of coffee for less than you’d pay for a single energy drink when taking this route.

But if you’re buying coffee from the local Starbucks or some other cafe, the opposite is true - coffee will be more expensive. Most coffees cost at least $5, with some bigger, more complex drinks running as high as $8 to $10!

Energy drinks on the other hand can cost between $2.50 to $5 each. You also have to factor in the inconvenience of running to the store to buy one, which may cancel out the inconvenience of brewing your own coffee.

That cost can really star to add up over time, especially for struggling college students trying to spread their budget for the month as far as possible. The key takeaway: save money by brewing your own coffee at home. 

Personal Preferences for Taste

There will of course be some personal preference at play, too. Maybe you hate the taste of coffee, even when sweetened. Or, perhaps you can’t stand the fizzy, chemical taste of energy drinks.

Taste is subjective so we can’t offer much help here - only you can determine which you like more. We can tell you, though, that coffee can be quite versatile in flavor. From rich and robust black coffee to milder, sweeter lattes, there are so many possibilities at your disposal.

That being said, there are perhaps even more options when it comes to energy drinks. You can find fruity or candy candy-like varieties, which appeal to those looking for something that tastes more like a treat. But all energy drinks tend to have that taurine-taste that’s unmistakable.

If you’ve only tried one drink - coffee or an energy drink - we do encourage you to try the other if you still aren’t sure. You might want to do some experimenting with different options to find your favorite way to enjoy coffee or energy drinks too.

So, Is Coffee or Energy Drinks Better for Studying?

So, is coffee or energy drinks better for studying? Ultimately only you can answer that question based on your preferences, health goals, and budget. However, we lean in favor of coffee here at Grinds.

It’s simply healthier, more affordable, and in our opinion, better tasting. We do recognize the appeal of energy drinks, though, for their convenience and fast-acting, potent punch.

As we said from the start, though, we actually recommend neither of tehse options for students trying to squeeze the most value out of every study session. The best energy pouches are just a click away at Grinds!

Discover a Superior Option to Coffee and Energy Drinks for Studying at Grinds!

While coffee and energy drinks are the two classic choices for fueling your study session, we created something even better than both options! Our energy pouches were actually something we came up with in our own study session.

We were trying to find something to help us stay awake during a project we pushed to the last minute and needed to grind out. Times were tough - as is the case for so many college students - so we just started chewing on coffee grinds as if they were chewing tobacco.

After experiencing how it pushed us through the session we decided to bring the business idea to life. The rest is history, as we’ve sold millions of cans over the past 15 years and counting.

Each pouch contains 80mg of caffeine, B-vitamins, and more to help you enhance focus and endurance. Most importantly, though, there is zero sugar or calories. Still, the flavors are amazing! With more than 30 unique options to choose from you’ll never get bored of Grinds.

Most customers feel the effects within 30 seconds so you can get to work ASAP. They’re also affordable at just $8/can - to get the same total caffeine content you’d need to buy 15 cans of Red Bull ($25) or 5 cups of coffee ($12).

Don’t just take our word for it when we tell you these are the best caffeine pouches - feel the difference yourself by placing your order today and making the most of every study session!

“As a D1college student athlete, I find myself needing a boost through the day, whether that be for practice or my 8am classes. Not only do these pouches provide an amazing flavor true to their names, but they are also just enough caffeine to get you focused and energized for class, practice, driving, and even just for a little pick me up.” - Blake

“This is just an amazing product the price is very good and it’s an amazing deal. It’s just so convenient to get that caffeine in your system in a short amount of time and costs less than your coffee every day! It’s a 10/10” - Abdulla

“Delicious with the kick you need. Would recommend to anyone trying to avoid the large dose of caffeine that comes w an energy drink.” - Nicholas

Wrapping Up Our Comparison of Energy Drink vs Coffee for Studying

Hopefully this detailed comparison of coffee vs energy drinks for studying has left you with a clear understanding of where each has an edge and which is right for you.

While energy drinks offer a fast, intense surge of energy, they often come with a crash and potential health concerns. In contrast, coffee is a healthier albeit less convenient option. Grinds addresses the shortcomings of each for the best of both worlds!

Anyone looking to sustain focus and avoid the downsides of coffee or energy drinks can trust our innovative solution to deliver. So, power through your study sessions today with Grinds and see why they’re the #1 choice in schools across the country!
